IGNOU - Reference Books - MAPC - 1st Year

The reference books, suggested by IGNOU MAPC academic counselors at Jesus and Mary college, New Delhi are listed below:

General books:
  1. Psychology by Robert A. Baron (free preview)
  2. Introduction to Psychology by Clifford T. Morgan, Richard A. King, John R. Weisz, John Schopler (free preview)
  3. Psychology by Saundra K. Ciccarelli and Glenn E. Meyer (free preview)
  4. NCERT Class XIth book (free eb
  5. NCERT Class XIIth book

  1. APA Dictionary of Psychology

Subject-wise reference books:
  1. MPC-001 Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory 
    • Use general books, as listed above
  2. MPC-002 Life Span Psychology 
    • Child Development by Laura E. Berk
  3. MPC-003 Personality: Theories and Assessment 
    • Theories of Personality by Calvin Springer Hall, Gardner Lindzey
    • Use general books, as listed above
  4. MPC-004 Advanced Social Psychology 
  5. MPC-005 Research Methods
    • Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences by A K Singh
  6. MPC-006 Statistics in Psychology
  7. MPC-007 Practicals - none
In case you know of some other book that may be relevant for these subjects or suggested by your professors/academic counselors, please leave a comment with the details.

*click on the links to go to eBooks/previews
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Shiva image
Shiva said…
Thanks 👍 for uploading these books
I was desperately looking for these
Thanks again
November 23, 2020 at 9:50 AM
PsychoTech Services image
PsychoTech Services said…
We're glad you found this useful, Shiva! :)
June 10, 2021 at 10:14 PM
Unknown image
Unknown said…
Very thnaks for uploading reference books.. Thanks alot
August 30, 2021 at 9:39 PM
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